In an effort to protect public and aquatic safety, Bonkowski engineers successfully completed a geotechnical investigation of the NPORD site as promulgated by Alameda County and the California Recycling Board. Bonkowski personnel compiled hundreds of logs of geotechnical borings, monitor wells, vapor wells on the PORT, and prepared geologic maps and cross sections which limited the boundary materials, contact conditions, soil and water quality concerns, and contaminant migratory pathways.
Bonkowski geologists followed up on this background work to fill in data gaps by preparing and implementing workplans to advance geoprobe borings, conduct insitu soil gas sampling using MIP technology, coordinating report preparation and reporting with Port personnel to document NPORD conditions in 2015, that was made available to establish groundwater/tidal vapor and water quality fluctuation conditions, and evaluate the integrity of the Ports existing perimeter monitor well network.
vapor treatment system design services
Bonkowski engineers completed the conceptual design of a vapor extraction and treatment system sufficient for bidding to be used by the Port and Rolls Royce in the event that methane exposures exceed health levels within the Rolls Royce Engine Testing Facility. These services included:
- Conceptual Design Specifications.
- PI&D drawings, including system components.
- Mechanical plans.
- Extraction trench specifications.
- Vapor barrier specifications.
- Extraction well specifications.
- Vapor Barrier specifications.
- Control Panel specifications.
- Effluent treatment specifications.
- Equipment specifications.