Pump Tests and Well Interference Evaluation
Bonkowski & Associates, Inc. provided hydrgeologic modeling services to Gallo to evaluate the effects of groundwater withdraw on nearby wells during a planned facility expansion at historical high pumping rates. Our work modeled production rates using nearby wells and regional water levels to evaluate the impacts to groundwater resources if the expansion yield increased 15%.
Bonkowski hydrogeologists and engineers ascertained hydrogeologic conditions from drillers logs of well over 34 nearby wells, geophysical logs, Gallo water use graphs, and production test data at varying discharge rates to mathematically model a solution.
Hydrogeologic evaluation
Our evaluations included the following:
- Performied a site reconnaissance and interviewed certain facility staff in connection with the site's potable water wells.
- Reviewed data on existing groundwater wells obtained from facility staff and the California Department of Water Resources.
- Prepared subsurface hydrgeologic maps to evaluate the continunity of aquifers and their associated water quality
- Developed conclusions regarding potential impacts on neighboring wells from the pumping of Gallo’s groundwater wells.