Groundwater Exploration and Test Well Drilling
Bonkowski and Associates completed a water supply evaluation, fringe area basin analysis, and advanced an emergency water supply well on the basis of this analysis in a fractured limestone aquifer. The well proved to be a prolific water supply for the community while its primary aquifer was subject to soil vapor extraction. Eventually, Bonkowski engineers applied for and prepared one of only a few 97-005 Permits issued by the DWR to allow for the use of potable groundwater that had been contaminated by MTBE.
97-005 Permit to Treat and Use MTBE Contaminated Groundwater for Potable Supplies
Bonkowski and Associates designed, built and placed into operation a DWR approved water treatment system, allowing the residents of the community to safely drink groundwater. The system consists of a fully automatic air stripper in series with two Siemens 10,000 lb. carbon units, and automated to operate within peak efficiencies. Up to 250 gpm of treated water is transported through the system by a series of transfer pumps, to the sites water reservoir.
- Site Investigation and Corrective Actions
- Hydrogeologic Site Characterization and Fringe Area Basin Analysis
- Completion of Emergency and Permanent Community Water Supply Well
- Design Build of a 97-005 Water Treatment System
- Remediation Effectiveness Monitoring