PCE Removal Action and Remedial Treatment System Design/build
Bonkowski engineers and geologists identified the source of release of chlorinated solvents at the Site, and investigated the lateral and vertical extent of the release with both a shallow and deep zone monitoring well network.
Upon identifying the direction of groundwater flow and contaminant migration, and risks to groundwater and surface water resources, Bonkowski engineers conducted a feasibility study of alternative technologies appropriate for the conditions of the site, and managed the construction of an appropriate hydraulic control system contained within a remedial treatment compound.
Remedial Treatment System Effectiveness Monitoring
The hydraulic control system placed on line controlled the migration of PCE in both shallow and deep zone lithologies. The elements of the work included:
- Coordinating work efforts with the RWQCB Lahontan
- Source area removal action
- Extent of Contamination Assessment and Monitoring Well Network
- CPT surveys
- Design/Build Hydraulic Control System and Remediation Compound